Friday, September 20, 2019

Video about assault of Kuan Barnett at Columbia Correctional Institution

We received, via open records request, this video of Kuan Barnett being extracted from his cell the night before he was assaulted by staff last October. Please share it and help deter staff from abusing people in other prisons in the future.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Course Forward to REAL treatment for our mentally ill? FLYNN vs DOYLE


this is a case that won for the women's prison in Fond du Lac, WI (Taychedah, TCI). a new treatment center and a new structure for the psychological staff and their patients. We will be studying the documents below to decide if we want to us the Flynn Doyle case as template to get  treatment and humanity reinstated in the men's prisons.

Of course the situation has become more complicated since the above decision, as the DOC has become more sophisticated in its techniques for avoiding accountability. For example , there is widespread changing of diagnoses which we call "cure by diagnosis" , that makes it hard to prove that inmates NEED the mental health treatment. When the DOC changes a diagnosis from SERIOUS (MH1 )to not Serious (MH2), the diagnosis becomes in many cases"malingering"- meaning all punishments, especially for self harm, are accepted as standard.

1) this is the powerpoint overview done by the DOC on the then new treatment center at TCI:

2) The same overview only redone on Word to save space and make downloading and copying easier
  pdf form:
  doc form:

3)The settlement reach by litigants- this is the document FFUP is studying now to determine if we should use this case as template for the men's prisons:

4) The original complaint filed for TCI prisoners.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Requests and Conditions from our Solitary Gulags

 summer and Fall 2019

Help requests from solitary-
this blog post is the beginning of a new campaign to bring an end to long term solitary confinement and to inaugurate a new era of  respect and humane treatment of  our forgotten brothers and sisters. FFUP and some solitary prisoners started and email blog- where they contributed their stories and I ranted around the edge, I sent it to a few friends and theu said it was too heavy and difficult . Now WE will have help crafting another email newsletter that goes to the general public and it will gently introduce folks to this incredible horror that unfolds daily in our prisons. And the rest of the stories and background will be on the web= for those who need to know. IN both place we will concentrate on action, on thisnwe can do to change the system. There is much we can do and much preparation we must do. 

What is on this post
1)Here are some of the prisoners now entombed in solitary who have reached out to us. WE are writing them inviting them to join us by writing for the blog and for the newsletter
2) Toward the bottom are prisoners whose case summaries were included in the first email newsletter . All are requestin gtreatment before they leave prison and a link to their case summaries is given below.
3) Last folks on this post are those that contributed to the first newsletter- wrote their stories for us and theyuu are incited tp kee[ on writing = all will go on blog or in newsletter

Logan Kendricks 504206 WCI outdate 10 20 19 /BD 1987
logan Kendricks

Charles Ruben Wynn 592558 CCI outdate 6 1 23/BD 1994 
Charles Wynn

Adam Lee Fontaine

Adam Lee Fontaine 524245 WCI Native  American , BD 1987(32), outdate 12 5  19/learning disabled/ diagnosed malingering

Julian Blackshear 502141 WCI BD 1989 out date 2 4 21
Julian Blackshear

Tyler Bartelt 655464 CCI outdate 8 7 31/ BD 1998 ( 21)
Tyler Bartelt

1     Jason R Dodd 391909 BD 1980, outdate 1 11 2048
Jason Dodd

8 14 19 BD 1972 outdate non given max date 2026, parole
eligibility date 2008 in since 1996


Phil Keller 395959 WCI bd 1971 outdate 7 30 21 RUBBER PENCIL BLUES

below are those included in the First email newsletter
(last august too difficult. needs consultants)
Click below to see their posts:

Scott Brown 567501 233, Black River Falls, WI 54615    BD 1990,28y.o.; out date 11 5 19

Tyler L Milton 596157 WCI bd1998 ; 20 y.o. ( out 2 4 20)

Jordan Cosby 501015; WCI
age 27 BD, 1991/requesting treatment at WRC/
release date 4 27 20/

Joshua Scolman 422508 WCI ( bd1983,34y.o.)

Also included in email newsletter: they each contributed their own essays/stories
Again , click here to read their stories:
Joe Turney 466457;CCI / BD 1981 (31Y.O.)
Joe Turney
Marcus Cotton 610057, CCI/BD 1999, 20 Y.O.
Marcus Cotton

Shawn Murphy 401293 WCI; bd 1965, 55 y.o.
shawn Murphy

Fredrick Morris 579941,GBCI BD 1992. 26 y.o.

Fredrick Morris