our solitary newsletter is now a "solitary sharing" newsletter where we ask prisoners to share their tips and stories with each other and we pack the things with games and puzzles.
Submissions by prisoners:
Michael Pietila’s full essay can be found here: https://solitarytorture.blogspot.com/2019/07/michael-pietila.html
a new FFUP email newsletter devoted to giving
to those entombed
in solitary confinement in
Wisconsin prisons
A note from the Editor, Peggy Swan,
Founder, FFUP, Forum for Understanding Prisons.
welcome to new readers, and hello again to those of you who have
been following FFUP over the years. FFUP uses the U. S. Postal Service mail to
send a paper newsletter entitled “Bridge
of Voices” to about 500 Wisconsin
"Animal in a cage" by a former solitary confinement prisoner |
prisoners. In a recent mailing of Bridge of Voices, we
invited prisoners who are in long-term solitary confinement to submit
introductions to themselves for a new email newsletter “for the public.” The response was good and excerpts from some of these submissions are featured here. I hope
this effort grows to offer a real alternative to the despair these people feel
at being forgotten.
are two main reasons for putting out this email newsletter. First, the idea came as a way to give prisoners a
positive way to ground their frustrations and anger. Many of the prisoners FFUP works
with in solitary have long histories of self harming. The prison responds to
these incidents with more solitary time. It is a heart-breaking cycle .FFUP
tried to advocate for them and works to give them tools to get from day to day, but
they need real change.
I hope in future months that you will join
us in contacting the new Governor, the head of the Department of Corrections
(WI DOC) and/or your legislators, and generally help us spread the word about
what is happening in our prisons. We hope you can also see fit to send this newsletter to others you think might want to help with the effort. For the WI Department of Corrections ( WIDOC ) in the main has abandoned its mission to rehabilitate prisoners and keep the public safe. We
hope letters from you, joined with
those of currently active advocates, will allow the new administration to show courage in addressing this
Solitary confinement is used as
the solution to the overcrowding and understaffing of the system. In response to
activists’ efforts at real change, the DOC has doubled down on the punishment-only
ethic that runs the place. New, ever
more corrupt ways to hide the abuse and waste blossoms everywhere. Staff quits
in droves and new and remaining staff are amassing fortunes in overtime pay-
sometimes working three shifts in a row. Due to overcrowding and understaffing,
many of the max prisons spend a good part of the week in “lock down” (no one
comes out of their cells)- so even general population is actually in solitary
most of the time. Click here for a report on these conditions done by our new
outreach worker, Ben Turk: https://casesprison.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/staffing-crowding-death-widoc.pdf
is hard to put this together- for the tendency is to overwhelm. One of the hard
lessons in working with anyone who is in stress and suffering, is learning to
sit with them, listen to their story, hold their pain with them and yet
maintain strength yourself. There is much joy in the love that grows along with
the pain; the effect can be real healing but it is important not to sink to the
depths yourself. So this is a potpourri of introductions by prisoners and
relevant articles. There are many links you can follow if you wish to go into
more depth. To do this, go to our online version at: https://solitarytorture.blogspot.com/2019/10/can-you-hear-me-now.html.
Can You Hear
Me Now? Volume I #1 – October, 2019
Email newsletter mostly by prisoners in solitary
confinement for people on the “outside”.
are myriad ways the DOC labels its solitary units. We have learned to use the
umbrella term “solitary confinement.”
AC: Administrative Confinement
Here are the political prisoners, mostly
litigators and natural leaders, overwhelmingly minorities. There is virtually
no due process in putting people on AC.
The DOC perceives them as a “threat.” There
may be some inmates on AC that are truly dangerous, but we have not come across
them. When the prison boom arrived in 1994, the “rules “for AC were changed
from requiring a current or recent
danger to “a history of violence.” This led to the DOC using the prisoner’s
crime decades ago as the reason for AC confinement.. In AC, the inmate stays
for years- no end in sight. For more
info, see: “Administrative Confinement in Wisconsin- a dirty little
secret” https://solitarytorture.blogspot.com/2016/06/administrative-confinement-in-wisconsin.html
Cesar DeLeon 322800; RCI
DeLeon is on hunger strike as I write
this, marking the inhumanity of what is going on in our solitary units and the
arbitrariness and lack of due process in AC placement. We are awaiting his
introductory essay and in upcoming email newsletter will feature many other AC
prisoners . For now, here is a link to his demands and some of his history :
demands handwritten:
demands on word:
demands on word:
or go to www.solitary
toture.blogspot.com and click on link at side bar.
Ironically. the longest
serving AC prisoner was transferred to Colorado
after a hunger strike in 2016. He had been considered dangerous and incurable and was occasionally given
“pychological tests’ to prove this. After being in solitary for 27 years, he was transferred to Colorado, given a brief
stint in a transition unit, and then was
transfer to general population. He is a gifted artist and is back to his
drawing and doing fine.
Once incarcerated, a prisoner is required to
abide by a set of rules set out in the Wisconsin Administrative Code covering
the Department of Corrections, Chapter 303.
It’s known as ‘the 303.’ It’s
worth your time to look at the 64 listed offenses (DOC 303.01 through 303.64) and the 25 listed
Disciplinary Procedures and Penalties (DOC 303.65 through 303.90) all of which
can be found here: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/doc/303
If a prisoner breaks one of the 303 rules, he is ‘written
up’ on a form called a Conduct Report [a ‘ticket’]. There then follows a hearing where his guilt
(usually) or innocence (rarely) is confirmed and he or she is then assigned a
certain length of time in disciplinary segregation [‘the hole’]. The nature of the 303 rules is such that
Correctional Officers have a very wide degree of latitude, personal judgment,
opinion, or discretion about what constitutes an ‘offense.’ Here is but ONE example of a 303 rule, namely
303.28 which defines “Disrespect.”
Any inmate who shows disrespect to any person is guilty of
disrespect, whether or not the subject of the disrespect is present and even if the
expression of disrespect is in writing. Disrespect includes derogatory or
profane writing, remarks or gestures, name calling,
yelling, and other acts which are made outside the formal complaint process,
which are expressions of disrespect,
and which have a reasonable potential to
negatively affect institution security, safety, order, or inmate discipline.
who repeatedly break rules outlined in the DOC 303 face an accumulation of violations resulting in solitary
confinement. Most of these inmates are
mentally ill and have poor impulse control and thrash out when feeling
threatened; some resort to self- harm. We believe the DOC is getting around the
rule that they cannot punish an inmate for behavior over which they have no
control (mental illness) by changing diagnoses from serious (MH1) to non
serious (MH2). We will be doing open records requests and investigating this
is from an article by the WI Center for Investigative Journalism about DOC
psychologist Boivin, who quit his DOC
job specifically because of this practice.
“When he returned from a
medical leave in early 2016, psychologist Bradley Boivin discovered a troubling
pattern among Waupun Correctional Institution inmates who had been held in
solitary confinement. Thirteen of his patients’ mental health classifications
had been changed without Boivin’s knowledge — and in his opinion, without
proper assessment. The re-evaluations came after a July 2015 memo from Deputy
Secretary Cathy Jess to psychological staff to reassess the mental health
classification of the most seriously mentally ill inmates in solitary
confinement, according to a memo provided by Boivin to the Wisconsin Center for
Investigative Journalism. Boivin resigned from Waupun in 2016 because of a
“difficult environment” at the prison after he expressed strong disagreement
with prison officials over several issues, including the treatment of inmates,
especially those with mental illnesses. Boivin said some of the conditions for
inmates in solitary confinement are “beyond unacceptable” and “inhumane.”
“Does it (solitary)
cause mental illness? Those sorts of things are debated,” Boivin said. “But the
reality is you see a lot of mental illness and you see things exacerbated in
that environment, and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist, a psychologist,
to understand that when you put someone in that kind of an environment — very
loud, everywhere you go if you move even to see your therapist you’re shackled
— it’s just a very vulgar environment. I refer to it as a very toxic
full article here: https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/2wi-watch-boivin-article.pdf
Michael Pietila
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Michael Pietila |
Pietila 377076 WCI (BD1984).
note: Michael has taken full advantage
of FFUP’s offer to set up an individual blog post for any that want to continue writing. We will post parts of
the new writings in future newsletters and provide links to their blog posts.
Introducing Heathen ( AKA Michael
Scott Pietila #277076)
A good friend
who is also an advocate for my rights along with many others felt some would
appreciate my thoughts, feelings and understanding as a blog. I’ll honestly say
I had and have, no idea anyone valued myself to such an extent. I guess we’ll
see as this blog progresses.
….I am diagnosed as bipolar I, PTSD,
paranoid personality and major depressive disorder. At times I’m in such a
manic state (such as this mild mania that is allowing me to pen this
introduction) that I cannot get enough done. I know I need to seize these
opportunities because in between my ‘manic episodes’ I suffer debilitating
depressive states where I’m like a robot going through the motions of existence and
let me travel deeper to my lowest levels of depression and I may end up in the
hospital getting stitched up from my latest artistry with a razor blade.
….I’m currently housed at Waupun
Correctional Institution and with this drastic lack of corrections officers
that they have here this seems to be the black hole of the WI department of
Corrections. The lack of employees is compounded by the draconian way we are
treated by many employees. Granted we as Inmates, prisoners and convicts (very
distinct differences) do not help ourselves with our macho posturing, selfish
needs, or alien personalities but in the end WE ARE STILL HUMAN, just like all
of you. What’s sad is I’m currently in segregation (restrictive housing unit)
by choice and I’m not getting out anytime soon…
Joe Turney
BD 1981 (31Y.O.)
Introduction from Being Up In Solitary So Long
My name is Joe Turney 466457. I’m housed
at CCI and anyone is okay to write me.Everything I am about to tell you
readers are things that I myself been through or witness with my own two eyes
but before I go any further let me say this
“if we the people let the DOC tell it, all the inmates are either over-
exaggerating or lying”
I been in prison since 9 25-2013
and since I been locked down I been in solitary for at least five years. A lot of
this have to do with my mentally ill issue. For years I have been a “MH-1A
inmate” and for those of you that don’t know what that is, it means my mental
health code is very high and I need treatment. And out of nowhere just a few
months ago CCI just drop everyone MH- code down to a “MH-2” so that the DOC-CCI
can benefit from it. I was sent from WCI
to CCI in 2017 and since I been here I been in solitary 22 months… I have been
beaten by staff … dragged down the hallway naked. ….been refused meds and
refused mental health treatment. I been thrown in control because I told staff
I wanted to kill myself! I have been put in a room for days, weeks, without any
clothes until I told staff I wasn’t going to try to kill myself. ….. Were being
refused phone calls to our family with nothing we can do about it! OH and please
don’t let me talk to you people about the inmate complaint system they have
here at CCI. Just let me say this its no winning with these people…..
One thing I have learned here about
CCI its not such a thing as a cry for help! because they don’t give a damn
about you! Thank you for reading this may you all be blessed!
To become a penpal, write to Joe Turney 466457, P
O Box 900 ( CCI), Portage,
WI 59631
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Fredrick Morris today |
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Fredrick Morris 2017 |
1992. 26 y.o.
Fredrick Morris #579941
my Pain runs deep
so deep I wish the forever sleep
where I don’t hear peep
my eyes dry no time to weep
shot fired but no blood I leak
cause I’m away from it all at peace I
I have been in confinement from county to prison since March 27, 2013.
you can look me up on the internet -they
gave me 29 years, 20 in 9 out for battery to 2
cos because the judge in my case said I should not be allowed around
people until I am reincarnated….On 7 4 18 I hung myself to end being alone. My
family that is in WI, has left my side cause not only do I have a lot of time but
I can’t have contact visits so as they
see it I am dead so I pushed for death- it was welcome in my time of pain – see I will not lie, I say the cos
abuse me/ they will say they fear me – I am working on my anger so I don’t hurt
no one once they let me out of confinement. I have problems that I keep inside,
one being that I got real bad trust issues. It is like I can talk for so long
you will learn nothing about me . I am better if you ask me stuff then I can
answer but I will tell you.
To become a penpal, write to: Frederick Morris #579941, P O Box 19033
(GBCI), Green Bay WI 54307
Editor’s Note:
The following are submissions from prisoners who will be released in the
relatively near future without
mental health treatment and with no support following release.
So many people are stuck in isolation
as it is the only room the DOC has and the only way it can deal with the lack
of staff. Here are 2 that need transfer to WRC( Wisconsin Resource Center, the
one treatment center available to male inmates) NOW- they will be released soon,
after long term solitary abuse and no
treatment. They beg for a chance to make it on the outside and need real
treatment. Right now that is only offered at WRC. And the WI DOC has refused to
refer these people.
We are working on two legal actions based on suits that have been won.
One will overhaul treatment in WIDOC and mandate the building of a mental
health treatment center, the other will end Administrative Confinement without
due process (political prisoners) and provide wise, humane ways to deal with combative
Tyler L Milton #596157 (release date 2-4-20)
am writing to let you know that I had a failed suicide attempt. The stress is
getting to me. Multiple correctional officers have been telling me a lot of
messed up things. Some examples of what
they have been saying include: “just kill yourself already”;“you have nothing
to live for”; I’ve been gone two days,
why are you still alive?” “I’m going to
poison your food”, “I hope you die in your sleep tonight. That way you die
peacefully and I won’t have to put up with you ever again. That’s a win win
situation, it can’t get better than that.”;
“Next time you cut yourself, cut deeper. Hit a vain. You won’t feel a
thing.”; “oh, your back? I was hoping
you wouldn’t make it through surgery.”
I am a seriously mentally ill
inmate with at least 4 suicide attempts in the last 5 months. WCI psychological department keeps telling me
that I am harming myself and trying to commit suicide for attention when in
fact, I really want to die. Psychological services telling me I try to kill
myself to get attention gets more focused on trying to die. WCI is horrible. 3 inmates have been beaten in 3 days, this
week already. I have been in RHU since 9 8 2018. A Correctional officer brought me: a nine
volt battery, a metal melding rod, 2 cigarettes, electrical wiring and more
things. I swallowed the battery, requiring surgery, 10 days later after I
swallowed the battery, they decided to have it removed. Correctional officers
have been retaliating against me and many other fellow inmates.
Here he names the most abusive officers. It is to be noted that in 2014 a
series of articles on 40 alleged assaults perpetrated by staff on inmates were
featured in the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism and after a big
public outcry and pretend rule changes by the DOC , it all went back to “normal”
and conditions are worse at WCI in that the guard involved in most the assaults
now heads the unit- promoted for his abuse, looks like. Articles are linked on our websites
prisonforum.org and solitarytorture.blogspot.com
To become a penpal, write to: Tyler Milton #596157, P. O. Box 351 (WCI),
Waupun, WI 53963
Jordan Cosby 501015; WCI
bd 1991 27 y.o.
requesting treatment at
WRC; release date 4 27 20
am strictly asking for an immediate transfer to WRC for mental health treatment
in general population on unit 17 specifically
long term treatment due to the need of individual treatment and also a
diagnosis examination for MH2A paranoia,
and a restraining order against WCI and WCI staff! They been fucking with me so much that I
can’t take this shit no more. I just writing you
for your help. I have been in segregation since 6 7 17 for a self defense physical
where it was a group fight. They are oppressing me and using corporal punishment
which is prohibited . They are retaliating against me due to them violating my
constitutional rights by using excessive force by knocking my teeth out by
slamming me and lying about and they settled the claim is there charged me facing
17-1/2 imprisonment and fail to transfer me to another institution or county
because they are going to railroad me. 27 years young black in a generation of
Black Lives Matter and police brutality is at its high and I’m a victim of it
with mental health problems . I need to get out of this prison and this county.
placed myself in observation after another inmate name H----. he’s a white man,
did not get his name- he was in a cell A-202 RHU and has been literally cutting
and ripping his ear and they not doing nothing about it. He’s been to the ER 3
times in Madison and it was a flash back trigger for me and I severely cut
myself and they did nothing so I write you and Cristal and my mother before I
faint. So for intentionally keeping myself in OBS until Madison comes talk to
me. I wrote Jim Schwochert DAI administrator to come talk to me or they
transfer me
To become a penpal, write to: Jordan Cosby #501015, P. O. Box 351 (WCI),
Waupun, WI 53963
all prisoners would love a penpal . Addresses are with the prisoner’s photos
here, we have penpal blogs and anyone on any of our 30 some blogs would love to
hear from you. FFUP provides forwarding service so you do not have to use your
own return address. It is very rewarding, for most people take time with letters
and generally are more open than with tweets and twitters and emails. Also
these people have gobs of time and know how to focus. I am available to discuss
any concerns brought to me, as working with prisoners can be difficult- Sometimes
you have to show them what a friend is.
Forwarding address if you do not want to
your own: your name ( or make up name) c/o FFUP; 29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue
River, Wi 53518. My phone and email: Peg Swan 608-536-3993; pgswan3@aol.com.
Make sure you give me your real address and name so I can get the inmate’s mail
to you. Again, I am here to answer any questions and concerns you have about
writing a prisoner.
FFUP and this newsletter:
has been working with prisoners and their families for nearly 20 years. It has
been a non profit since 2004 with a main mission to be a voice for prisoners
and to help prisoners survive their time with their psyches intact. We advocate
for individual prisoners and network with any and all other relevant
organizations as we try to break the chains that keep this most corrupt system
need to spread the word about what is happening in our prisons and this is one
effort . We would love your ideas and feedback. We know how difficult this
subject is and yet nothing will change without public pressure. If you have any
ideas on how to make this newsletter more reader friendly, please share them.
call or email or wire; Peg Swan; 608-536-3993; pgswan3@aol.com;
29631Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518. We hope to put out a short edition like this every two weeks. Let us know what you think.
“Can You Hear Me Now” is a news newsletter of Forum for
Understanding Prisons ( FFUP) a 501c3
non profit .Donations cans be made through our gofundme site(https://www.gofundme.com/prisonforum)
or by addressing check made out to “prisonforum” and sending it directly to
FFUP by mail: FFUP ;c/o 29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518. All
donations go to projects with prisoners and no staff is paid. We Also have
paper newsletter that goes to prisoners and can be read here: https://casesprison.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/ffup-newsletter-summer-2019.pdf
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