IF after reading this post, you would like to help with renting a roonmto one of these men or by providing money for rentals contact us and/or go to our gofundme site to donate We appreciate any amount . all efforts. thank your or your interest.
Jake Mashl 685667 GBCI BD 2000, 23 yo/ out date 1 16 24
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Jake Mashl |
Jake Mashl
Jake has asbergers, ADD and multiple other syndromes in which he is explosive and disruptive at time. His mother , Nikki, says when he is on his meds he is appropriate and easy to get along with. He has always lived with his mother and has the maturity of a teenager. He was convicted of viewing pornographic pictures of juvenile girls. His mother says he was looking at girls his mental age and had no thought of actually meeting them. The judge said that because truth -in -sentencing , the law under which Jake was convicted, has mandated sentencing, he had no choice but to give Jake the prison time he did . And the time has been devastating to both Jake and his mother. He has self harmed many times and goes in and out of segregation as he can in no way navigate the complex and often abusive environment of WI Deepest and most corrupt gulags.
He gets out in January of this year and would simply go back to live with his mother except she has no place for him now. She lost her car in an accident which happened thru no fault of hers, and has not been able to get reimbursed for this loss of her car- and because she had no car she lost her job and then her appartment. Through all this Nicki is heroic in her efforts to help her son get through his ordeal.
She has just started a new job and and needs help in affording an apartment for her and Jake come January. An alternative would be to reant two rooms as part of our room rental project. So we are reaching out both for funds for rentals and for people who might have rooms or apartment to rent. Email FFUP at pgswan3@aol.com or call: 608-536-3003.
We encourage anyone who is considering renting to one of FFUP’s requesters, to correspond with them for awhile first- IN this case you can call or email Jake’s mother , NIckie. Jake is in segregation where all contacts are very limited. Call or email me and ZI will get you connected. Peg: pgswan3@aol.com/608-536-3993
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Abdifatah Ahmed |
ABDIFATAH AHMED 674071 WRC (BD 1992,32)
11/11/2023 10:11:33 PM
I have 65 Day's to get my freedom back and will be on the Community's of Eau Claire Wisconsin.
I have work so hard to change myself and my future. All I ever wanted was families to love me
as there son, brother, et. et. All I have gotten was pain's and trauma's. Now I will be sleeping at the
streets on a cold winters night's and Day's. Please can someone help me get back on my two feet's.
I don't ever want to come back to this hell I was in. Thank you for your help
Abdifatah Ahmed #674071.
My story:
I was born in Somalia. I left there when my family was killed by the war in 1993. I went to refugees with another family where I stayed there for about 3 years before I come to America. When I got here in America I was staying with some of my tribe’s members. When I turned 18 I left their home. I was being sexually abused from family members of them. That is what made me leave their house. I moved here and there for jobs. I came to Eau Claire Wisconsin in 2018. where I got locked up. I was homeless before getting locked up in 2018. I came to Wisconsin Resource Center last year December 2022. I came here for self-harming program. DBT was one of the programs I was doing. I have done anger management. Right now I'm doing thinking for a change. They have just keep me here since I was going to go home in January 2024.
There was this guy in my unit who was starting problems with me. I told staff about it. They have never done anything about it . Since I lost temper with him and fight him because of all his problems. Now I'm the bad one. The unit social worker, Amy went behind my back and called OARS. She told my DBT therapy that she will talk to me. If I keep doing what I'm doing OARS will drop me. That was what the social worker told therapy. At the same time she told me another thing- OARS have dropped me because of my past assault on staff. They are scared I will assault their staff in the community, That was Lie. The social worker told me one thing and another thing to my therapy. Ashley SP i e g e l b e r g , she is my therapy here in WRC. My dbt psu and my therapy are trying to call my OARS people in Madison. They know how OARS can help in the communities.
I was sexually abused as a kid in Somalia my family mentally abused me, beat me and burn me all over my legs. I've been cutting myself to release my pain. until I found drugs and alcohol. I was abandoned by everybody. Now the DHS and DOC is putting me on the streets with no help.
Note: we are looking for both funds to pay for a room for Ahmed and also people who will rent a room for three months to him. We recommend you correspond with Ahmed before he is released if you are considering renting to him - I have know him for a few years and know him to be very perceptive, honest.and focused.
Because of the third part mailing system, textbehind,usps mail into the prison takes a month .This mandates use of the prisoner “corrlinks” system. To start that,email or call me:peg Swan: pgswan3@aol.com/608-536-3993
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Dominique Tovsen- Cassares |
Domnique Tovsen- Cassares 464183 ( BD 1989, 34)
My name is DOMINIQUE. I was born and raised in lacrosse ...my parents are Hawaiian and Norwegian German and Irish...my parents split up soon after I was born and I was raised primarily by my mother who is unfortunately no longer with us..things were unstable at times in my household growing upwhich led me to being free to Rome the streets at times and get involved with people and things that were negative.. I was taken away from my mother around the age of 12 and placed in group homes and foster homes...which I always ran away from to get back to my mother...I was in and out of different homes and juvenile detention due to my rebelliousness.... I lived with my grandparents eventually in my teens and after a couple years began to navigate my way back to not following the rules ...I was given a chance to go back to live with my mother again and so was my sister who had previously lived with my father throughout these years...rules were more lenient at my mothers and I began to skip school and steer myself in the direction of hanging out in the wrong. Crowds and smoking weed...at the age of 14 I was arrested for robbing cabs and sent to Lincoln hills and a bootcamp..I was gone for 7
months and released after completing the program...after another couple months of not following the rules of my juvenile supervision I was again returned to Lincoln hills for 14 months..I was released and again was not going to school and or following the rules..so I was returned to Lincoln hills for a final.time for 3 months and was discharged from juvenile supervision due to being 17...I returned to my mothers and once again returned to the same way of life with no respect for the law or.the rules...five months later I was charged as an adult with armed robbery and sent to prison for a year..I was released at 18 and again returned to the same way of life and again fond myself incarcerated for a year...again I was released and went back to the same old lifestyle and again found myself in jail.with armed robbery charges and was sentenced to six years in prison...in 2014 I was released on adult supervision and began my freedom at my sisters place and was staying away from old constituent's and tried to get employment and was afforded such for a short time...yet again I began to slowly navigate my way back towards my old lifestyle and found myself incarcerated again for armed robbery at which time my probation was revoked and i t was revoked in its entirety due to my negative behavior and I was given eight years on a revocation sentence which I am completing in its entirety next month...In a nutshell I have learned my lesson over these last eight years and understand how much my risky and negative behavior has hurt me my family and my victims as well...I do not view life so selfishly any more...I do not want to be viewed as a violent person..I do not want to be viewed as a criminal... Wherefore I will not conduct myself as one...as my actions are the true fibers of my character...I can speak of who I am inside yet my actions are what I will be defined by...words are nothing when not supported by actions...so I plan to move and live differently... I think differently... I value life differently....I want more out of life...I can not go back in time and make up for I what is already lost...yet I do have the ability to make the most of my life from this point forward... So I will...I'm being released in December on 30 days of misdemeanor probation... I am going to stay with my sister until January 1st to give me a few weeks to become accustomed to my freedom after eight years of solitary incarceration.. Also to retain a job as there are many in my area as long as you are willing to work and work hard at that...so that is my main focus...employment ...it is the key to retaining everything else that will help me build a life....I have to do things differently this time if I want different...so I am reaching out to you all for any assistance that u can offer to help guide me through this journey...It would be paid forward in the future...i lost everything upon my incarceration and am starting over entirely on every level...so I am reaching out to you in hopes that maybe you will reach back...I WILL pay it forward..thankyou for your time and remember my name...you will see it in the future for making a difference for others....as selective wholes...on a positive level...
Note: we are looking for both funds to pay for a room for Dominique and also people who will rent a room for three months to him in Lacrosse, WI . He will be able to stay at his sisters for just two weeks upon release December 12th .- I have know him for a few years and can highly recommend him.
contact us:
peg Swan:608-536-3993/pgswan3@aol.com/29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518
Timothy Zilstra : timothy.zilstra@yahoo.com
James WIlbur: jwilbur@wisdomwisconsin.org