November 21st 2023/ 9:30 PM
I was not going to write a first post tonight but it is a good time. . WE are families and loved ones of prisoners, advocated for prisoners and ex-prisoners and see a whirlwind of ideas and news about the recent prison lockdowns but the real story remains unheard. The public is given the view form the outside only and nowhere do we see discussions about what is really needed., I have been working with prisoners and their families for over 20 years and many in our group have stayed by the side of their incarcerated loved ones for equally long or watched their children get caught in the infinitely complex web that is the Wisconsin Department of Corrections .Once caught, it never lets you go
WE meet twice a week by phone conference and usually the group is small 3 to 5 people with new faces coming and going. For me personally, small is the best- we brainstorm on invicidual cases and support each other - it is a healing time-and we go farward in our advocacy - heartbroken at the incredible conditions and unbelieveing at the cruelty of the systme- but also nmoreloveing and understanding becuase of the honest sharing.
When I first started this work I was told I was in the period of "Shock and Awe" by prisoners I visited- It takes while to learn how to open oneself up to the pain prisoners feel and need to tell you about- they need to tell their stories and have someone cares and doing that takes a lot of learning- I am still learning how to listen and share the pain- I still to often block and interrupt in an effort to sidetrack the wave of pain coming my way- oh our world- do not cut yourself off from your fellow man for as deep as the pain is the joy and yo cannot have one without the other-
Last monday our group reach a new stage- We are becoming LEADERS. WE realize we have to for our story is not out there- there is noone that will do our work for us and the people we have tried to partner with are not interested in delving deeply into the DOC corruption and truly healing the system. WE need to educate well enough that it becomes clear to everyone that when we as citizens give the prison system carte blanch to do whatever it wants- when we "Lock em up and throw away the key" it is our children's future we are also throwing away, WE SPEND TWICE the AMOUNT OF MONEY ON PRISONS AS WE DO on OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Doesn't that make is worth while to learn a bit, give LITTLE attention to what happens in our prisons. OUR university closed down here in Richland county due to lack of enrollment and lack of funds- All around the state majors are being cut. WHO can afford to pay 10 000 dollars a semester for college? We are supporting prisons instead of education. THAT is why ur children are burdened with so much debt. When I was a student- school at UW was 200 a semester and we have 7000 prisoners. What happened? I think it is worth every citizens time to find our what happened and what is happening now-You should be outrage' incnesed at the scam that is being perpetrated in you rnae. enohg for now- will be back
Peg's post one - the why of it
September 3, 2023
Another beginning, So many tries . so many heartbreaks, yes- and joys. When you sit with someone, share with them their griefs, all the doubts about why we do this go away- it is about connecting probably more than saving anybody or improving the world-if those were the true goals we would have given up long ago- no, the int imacy- one on one sharing for me is the why of it. Prisoners are open , honest, focused AND needy in response to honest gifts and slowly with many, the relationship evolves to the wonderful place of mutual sharing and giving.
But many of my closest allies , eligible for release for decades under OLD LAW, are slated to die in there unless we do something noone has done before. Same for so many TIS prisoners- trauma after trauma and then release to nothing- and usually back-Chance Wallow is back as is Michael Pietila and latest, Claude Grant- do I want their stories of revocation- again and again the same story??.
This families group is the first I have seen a glimmer- if we follow our noses and listen to one another, keeping our "eyes on the prize" , we can connect with others who see the same corrections obscenity and FINALLY TOGETHER become a powerful voice for change- we can force our leaders-governor, legislators and judges etc- to lead and not scurry away at mere mention of justice of prisoners.
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